Error in contrib.url(repos, "source"): trying to use CRAN without setting a mirror
As we learn about databases and SQL we will need to refer to various collections of data (i.e. “tables” of data in SQL terminology). See below for info on how to download and install the various collections of data into R.
Download the files by clicking on the links below. To load the various collections of data into R see the instructions in the sections below.
The following file contains the grades table:
The following file contains several tables of data
(customers, orders, movies, north_american_cities, boxOffice, buildings, employees)
The following files are all associated with the “Books database”:
booksDatabase description and Questions
This file contains a description of the database as well as a discussion of different concepts related to databases in general. You should use this file as a tutorial about the books database. The end of this file contains many questions/answers to test your knowledge of SQL.
The following are the files that you can use to import the data for the database into R.
In order to read the data into R and to access the data using SQL, we will need to load the R packages “readr” and “sqldf”. We do so with the following commands:
grades.csv is a .csv file that contains information about students and their grades. You can read the contents of the file into R with the read.csv function as shown below.
Once you’ve done so, you can display the data:
The file sqlbolt_tables-v007.RData contains the following different collections of information:
Use the load function as shown below to load the data into R.
Below are the contents of these tables:
Error in sqldf("select * from grades"): could not find function "sqldf"
Error in sqldf("select * from movies"): could not find function "sqldf"
Error in sqldf("select * from orders"): could not find function "sqldf"
Error in sqldf("select * from customers"): could not find function "sqldf"
Error in sqldf("select * from north_american_cities"): could not find function "sqldf"
The “books database” is a collection of several relational database tables. The links to download the files for this database are located at the top of this webpage.
Pay special attention to the file booksDatabase description and Questions which contains a description of the database as well as a discussion of different concepts related to databases in general. You should use this file as a tutorial about the books database. The end of this file contains many questions/answers to test your knowledge of SQL.
Once you’ve downloaded the various files you can run the following commands to import the data into R.
# The books database contains information about various books, authors,
# publishers, etc.
# Read in the data for the books database - see the
titles = read_csv("data/booksDatabase/titles.csv", na="NULL", show_col_types=FALSE)
authors = read_csv("data/booksDatabase/authors.csv", na="NULL", show_col_types=FALSE)
publishers = read_csv("data/booksDatabase/publishers.csv", na="NULL", show_col_types=FALSE)
title_authors = read_csv("data/booksDatabase/title_authors.csv", na="NULL", show_col_types=FALSE)
royalties = read_csv("data/booksDatabase/royalties.csv", na="NULL", show_col_types=FALSE)
Below are the contents of these tables:
Error in sqldf("select * from titles"): could not find function "sqldf"
Error in sqldf("select * from publishers"): could not find function "sqldf"
Error in sqldf("select * from title_authors"): could not find function "sqldf"
Error in sqldf("select * from authors"): could not find function "sqldf"
Error in sqldf("select * from royalties"): could not find function "sqldf"