# The following websites contains a basic overview of many SQL
# commands and concepts. We will be going through the concepts and many
# of the interactive exercises from these websites
# https://www.w3schools.com/sql/
# https://sqlbolt.com/
# https://www.sqlitetutorial.net/
# https://mode.com/sql-tutorial/
# https://sqlzoo.com/
# See this page
# https://sqlbolt.com/lesson/introduction
# For an overview of :
# - What is Structured Query Language (SQL) - pronounced "sequel"
# - What is a "Relational Database"
30 30. Relational Databases and SQL (using R)
We will spend the next few sections focusing on “Structured Query Language (SQL)”, the language that is used for accessing data in a relational database. Remember that a relational database stores its information as a collection of several “tables”. Each table arranges its data in rows and columns.
30.1 Web resources for learning SQL
30.2 What software do I need to use SQL?
# The sqldf package in R. ####
# To use SQL you must have access to software that interacts with
# a relational database. As mentioned above many such software packages
# exist, e.g.
# - Microsoft SQL Server
# - Oracle Relational Database Management System
# - MySql
# - Postgres
# - MariaDb
# - many many others
# In addition many custom software packages exist that use
# SQL to manipulate relational databases.
# Many of these software packages tend to be overly complex to install.
# However, the underlying SQL language that is used by all of these
# different software packages tends to be very, very similar.
# For this class we will be using R to learn the basic SQL commands.
# The sqldf package in R includes the sqldf function that takes a single
# character value. The value is expected to be a valid SQL command.
# Instead of referring to database "tables" the sqldf function interprets
# database table names found in the commands as referring to R dataframes.
# This makes sense since R dataframes are very similar in structure to
# relational database tables.
# The version of SQL that is used by default with the sqldf package
# is the "sqlite" version. You can search online for more information
# about sqlite if you want to understand more about the specifics
# of this "flavor" of SQL. The following website is a good place to
# start: https://www.sqlitetutorial.net/
30.2.1 The sqldf R package
# Using the sqldf R package ####
# SQL is NOT an "R" concept ... however we can use SQL in R via
# the sqldf package.
# The "sqldf" package in R allows you to use the sqldf() function
# to run sql statements using R dataframes instead of database tables.
# We will be using this package to introduce the first sql commands
# we will learn.
# install and load (i.e. require) the sqldf package
Loading required package: sqldf
Warning in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE, : there is no package called 'sqldf'
Error in contrib.url(repos, "source"): trying to use CRAN without setting a mirror
30.3 data for this part of the tutorial
You can download the data for this tutorial from the following files.
grades.csv This is a .csv file. You can read the contents of the file into R with the read.csv function as shown below.
sqlbolt_tables-v007.RData This is a .RData file. You can read the contents of the file into R with the load function as shown below.
You can load these tables into your R session with the following commands.
= read.csv("grades.csv")
grades load("sqlbolt_tables-v007.RData")
Below are the contents of these tables:
# Tables that we will be using in this presentation.
sqldf("select * from grades")
Error in sqldf("select * from grades"): could not find function "sqldf"
sqldf("select * from movies")
Error in sqldf("select * from movies"): could not find function "sqldf"
sqldf("select * from orders")
Error in sqldf("select * from orders"): could not find function "sqldf"
sqldf("select * from customers")
Error in sqldf("select * from customers"): could not find function "sqldf"
sqldf("select * from north_american_cities")
Error in sqldf("select * from north_american_cities"): could not find function "sqldf"
30.4 SQL SELECT statement
# SQL select statement ####
# The select statement is used to retrieve information from a relational
# database table (or in our case, from an R dataframe). The select statement
# has several "clauses". The following are the allowed clauses. The ... after
# each clause name represents additional text that needs to be typed. We will
# learn how to use each of these different clauses below.
# The following are the clauses of a SQL select statement:
# select ...
# from ...
# where ...
# group by ..
# having ...
# order by ..
# limit ... (NOTE: the limit clause is found in many SQL implementations but is not standard)
# 1. All of the clauses are optional, except for the select clause.
# 2. The clauses that appear in a particular select statement must be
# in the order shown above.
# 3. The limit clause is not a standard part of SQL but is commonly used in many flavors
# of the SQL language.
# 4. According to the ANSI SQL standard, SQL is NOT case sensitive.
# In other words you can type "SELECT ..." or "select ...".
# Often, programmers will capitalize the clause names in select statements however,
# this is not required.
# Some SQL products do make SQL case sensitive. This is especially true
# when it comes to names of tables and names of columns in the tables.
# The sqldf package that we will be using is case-insensitve (i.e. case does
# NOT matter) for everything EXCEPT for table names (i.e. dataframe names).
30.5 How to use the R sqldf() function
# The sqldf function accepts a single argument that is expected to
# be a SQL SELECT command. The table names in the SELECT command are expected to
# be R dataframes.
# See help info about the sqldf package
Error in find.package(pkgName, lib.loc, verbose = verbose): there is no package called 'sqldf'
# See help about the sqldf function that is part of the sqldf package
30.6 Intro to the SQL SELECT command
# select clause specifies which columns you'd like to
# see in the results.
sqldf("select student, test1, test2
from grades")
Error in sqldf("select student, test1, test2 \n from grades"): could not find function "sqldf"
30.7 SELECT * FROM …..
# SELECT * FROM ....
# You can type * instead of the column names to get all of the columns.
sqldf("select * from grades") # display the entire grades table
Error in sqldf("select * from grades"): could not find function "sqldf"
30.8 capturing the output of sqldf in R
# The output of sqldf is another dataframe ####
# In a relational database there is usually a way to
# capture the output of a select statement in a different table
# however, the actual mechanism is not standard. MANY sql database
# software products use the "into" clause of the select statement
# to do so. I am not going to talk about that here because that
# really depends on the exact sql product you are using.
# In R, when using the sqldf function, you can capture the output of sqldf
# in another variable. This simply creates a new R dataframe (which in sqldf
# is analogous to a database table).
# Remember though that the actual sqldf() function in R is NOT technically
# part of the SQL language. It is simply how we can use SQL commands to
# manipulate R dataframes.
# Example: Capture the output of the sql command in a new dataframe
= sqldf("select student, test1, test2
justTest1 from grades")
Error in sqldf("select student, test1, test2\n from grades"): could not find function "sqldf"
# Here is the original table
sqldf("select * from grades")
Error in sqldf("select * from grades"): could not find function "sqldf"
# Here is the new table
sqldf("select * from justTest1")
Error in sqldf("select * from justTest1"): could not find function "sqldf"
30.9 case-sensitivity in SQL
# A note about case-sensitivity ####
# NOTE: as mentioned above, sqldf is case-INsensitive regarding parts of the
# command OTHER THAN the table names (i.e. the dataframe names).
# To demonstrate, the following will produce the same results as the
# command above.
# same results as above
FROM grades")
Error in sqldf("SELECT STUDENT, TEST1, TEST2 \n FROM grades"): could not find function "sqldf"
# However, the following command will NOT work since there is no variable
# named GRADES (the name is grades)
# ERROR - should be "grades", not "GRADES"
FROM GRADES") # Error: no such table: GRADES
Error in sqldf("SELECT STUDENT, TEST1, TEST2 \n FROM GRADES"): could not find function "sqldf"
30.10 order by
# ORDER BY ####
# The ORDER BY clause allows you to specify the order that
# the rows should appear in the results.
# Numbers are ordered numerically.
# Character data is ordered alphabetically.
# Order by test1
sqldf("select student, year, test1, test2
from grades
order by test1")
Error in sqldf("select student, year, test1, test2\n from grades\n order by test1"): could not find function "sqldf"
# Order by student
sqldf("select student, year, test1, test2
from grades
order by student")
Error in sqldf("select student, year, test1, test2\n from grades\n order by student"): could not find function "sqldf"
# Order by year
sqldf("select student, year, test1, test2
from grades
order by year")
Error in sqldf("select student, year, test1, test2\n from grades\n order by year"): could not find function "sqldf"
# You can specify asc to indicate "ascending" order (this is the default)
# You can specify desc to indicate "descending" order
# specify asc for order (i.e. ascending) - this is the default.
# if you dont' specify asc you will get the same results.
sqldf("select student, year, test1, test2
from grades
order by test1 asc")
Error in sqldf("select student, year, test1, test2\n from grades\n order by test1 asc"): could not find function "sqldf"
# reversed - order is descending, ie. desc
sqldf("select student, year, test1, test2
from grades
order by test1 desc")
Error in sqldf("select student, year, test1, test2\n from grades\n order by test1 desc"): could not find function "sqldf"
# You can specify more than one column in the order by clause
# The 2nd specified column will only have an effect for rows
# that have the same value in the first specified column.
# Notice that there is a separate asc or desc indicator
# for each of the columns in the order by clause
# ordering by a single column
# order the data in increasing order of test1 value
# Notice that the year values are NOT in order
sqldf("select student, year, test1
from grades
order by test1 asc")
Error in sqldf("select student, year, test1\n from grades\n order by test1 asc"): could not find function "sqldf"
# order the data in increasing order of year value (alphabetical order)
# Notice that the test values are NOT in order
sqldf("select student, year, test1
from grades
order by year asc")
Error in sqldf("select student, year, test1\n from grades\n order by year asc"): could not find function "sqldf"
# order the data by two different columns
# Order the data alphabetically by year.
# For all of the rows for a particular year, sort the test1 values
# in ascending numeric order.
sqldf("select student, year, test1, test2
from grades
order by year asc, test1 asc")
Error in sqldf("select student, year, test1, test2\n from grades\n order by year asc, test1 asc"): could not find function "sqldf"
# Order the data by alphabetically by year.
# For all of the rows for a particular year, sort the test1 values
# in descending numeric order.
sqldf("select student, year, test1, test2
from grades
order by year asc, test1 desc")
Error in sqldf("select student, year, test1, test2\n from grades\n order by year asc, test1 desc"): could not find function "sqldf"
# Order the data by test1.
# For all the rows that have the same value for test1 sort the rows by test2
sqldf("select student, test1, test2
from grades
order by test1 desc, test2 desc")
Error in sqldf("select student, test1, test2\n from grades\n order by test1 desc, test2 desc"): could not find function "sqldf"
# Show the rows in descending order of the test1 grades.
# If several students got the same grade on test1 then show
# those rows in alphabetical order of the student names.
sqldf("select student, test1, test2
from grades
order by test1 desc, student asc")
Error in sqldf("select student, test1, test2\n from grades\n order by test1 desc, student asc"): could not find function "sqldf"
# order the data by three different columns
# Order all of the rows by year
# among the rows that have the same year
# order within those rows by test1
# among the rows that have the same year and test1 values
# order within those rows by test2
sqldf("select student, year, test1, test2
from grades
order by year, test1 desc, test2 desc")
Error in sqldf("select student, year, test1, test2\n from grades\n order by year, test1 desc, test2 desc"): could not find function "sqldf"
30.11 limit clause
# The LIMIT clause must come at the very end of the SQL
# statement. You can use it to display only some of the
# rows that would otherwise have been displayed.
For example:
# Display the first 3 students
sqldf("SELECT *
FROM grades
ORDER BY student
Error in sqldf("SELECT *\n FROM grades\n ORDER BY student\n LIMIT 3"): could not find function "sqldf"
# In general the limit clause has two different forms:
# limit M
# (where M is an integer) results in only the first
# M rows of data from what would normally have been displayed
# had the LIMIT clause not been specified.
# limit M offset N
# (where both M and N are integers)
# starts the output from the N+1'th row of what would normally
# have been displayed without the limit clause and then
# displays the next M rows of data.
# LIMIT is often used in combination with the ORDER BY clause.
For example:
# Display the first 3 students
sqldf("SELECT *
FROM grades
ORDER BY student
Error in sqldf("SELECT *\n FROM grades\n ORDER BY student\n LIMIT 3"): could not find function "sqldf"
# Display the next 3 students
sqldf("SELECT *
FROM grades
ORDER BY student
Error in sqldf("SELECT *\n FROM grades\n ORDER BY student\n LIMIT 3 OFFSET 3"): could not find function "sqldf"
# Display the next 3 students
sqldf("SELECT *
FROM grades
ORDER BY student
Error in sqldf("SELECT *\n FROM grades\n ORDER BY student\n LIMIT 3 OFFSET 6"): could not find function "sqldf"
30.12 Using calculations in the select clause
# Using calculations in the select clause ####
# You can use math or SQL functions to modify the values
# that are returned. We will discuss SQL functions later.
# For now, let's demonstrate the concept using math.
# See the questions and answers below:
# Display the student, test1 and test2 columns from the grades table.
# In addition, display a column named that contains
# the values from the test2 column with 10 points added to each number.
sqldf("select student, test1, test2, test2 + 10
from grades")
Error in sqldf("select student, test1, test2, test2 + 10 \n from grades"): could not find function "sqldf"
30.13 Renaming columns
# Answer the same question, but this time change the name of the new
# column to "test2_curved".
# Use AS to change the name of the column in the output
sqldf("select student, test1, test2, test2 + 10 as test2_curved
from grades")
Error in sqldf("select student, test1, test2, test2 + 10 as test2_curved\n from grades"): could not find function "sqldf"
# You don't actually need to write "AS"
sqldf("select student, test1, test2, test2 + 10 test2_curved
from grades")
Error in sqldf("select student, test1, test2, test2 + 10 test2_curved\n from grades"): could not find function "sqldf"
30.14 ‘Quoting’ column names that contain spaces (or other special characters)
In general, column names and table names should only contain letters and numbers. If the name of a column or a table needs to contain spaces or other “special characters” (e.g. !@#$%^&*()_+~~ etc.) you need to ‘quote’ the name using ‘apostrophes’ or “quotes”. See the following example which contains a space in the new column name.
# You must 'quote column names that contain spaces'
sqldf("select student, test1, test2, test2 + 10 'test2 curved'
from grades")
Error in sqldf("select student, test1, test2, test2 + 10 'test2 curved'\n from grades"): could not find function "sqldf"
Note that in the SQLite dialect of SQL (which is what is being used in R with sqldf) you can use ‘apostrophes’ in place of quotes. We used ‘apostrophes’ instead of “quotes” to quote the new column name to avoid issues that would arise if we used “quotes” since we are already using “quotes” to surround the entire SQL statement. See the next section for more info.
30.15 ‘single quotes’ vs “double quotes”
In many areas of technology, ‘apostrophes’ are used to ‘quote’ text instead of “quotation marks”. Apostrophes are used in this way, are referred to as ‘single quotes’ whereas quotation marks are referred to as “double quotes” (since an apostophe has one short line while a single quotation mark is comprised of two short lines).
In SQL, there are two different situations where something needs to be quoted. One situation is as shown above to create column headings that contain spaces or special characters. Another situation is where you want to include some literal text (see the description of “concatenation” below).
In this presentation we are using ‘single quotes’ for most purposes inside our SQL statements. This is because SQLite (i.e. the dialect of SQL we are using here) allows for the use of either ‘single quotes’ or “double quotes” wherever you need to quote something. Using ‘single quotes’ allows us to sidestep issues that would arise with “double quotes”. Using double quotes inside the SQL statement would interfere with the “double quotes” that we are using to “quote” the entire sql statement in our call to sqldf(” … “). Other SQL envirnoments that do not rely on sqldf() do not have this issue.
It should be noted though that the ANSI SQL standard, calls for using double quotes for column names (as in the example above) and for using single quotes to quote textual values (as in the concatenation example below).
# 'single quotes' (ie. 'apostrophes') vs "double quotes" (ie. "quotes") ####
# Explicit textual values need to be 'quoted'.
# Standard SQL uses single quotes for quoting values.
# Many sql software packages allow for "double quotes" however, that is not
# officially part of the standard.
# The sqlite dialect of SQL (which is the default dialect used by sqldf)
# DOES recognize "double quotes" too. However, we will try to stick to
# 'single quotes' in order to adhere to the standard SQL notation.
# The following example combines the id and the student name into a single
# value with a dash (i.e. - ) between them. Notice the 'single quotes' around
# the dash.
30.16 Concatenation: ‘abc’ || ‘def’ is ‘abcdef’
# To "concatenate" two values means to "paste" them together
# into a single character value.
# ANSI SQL defines the || as the "concatenation" operator.
# This is similar to the & operator in Excel.
# Sqlite (which is used by R's sqldf package) uses the ANSI standard || operator.
# See the examples below.
# NOTE: Some other database software products use non-standard
# operators for concatenation. For example:
# * MySql does not have a concatenation operator. MySql uses || for logical or.
# Rather, it uses the function, concat(a, b), to concatenate a with b.
# * Microsoft SQL Server uses + for concatenation.
# Show a column named id_student that contains the values from the
# the id and student columns concatenated together. Also show the
# test1, test2 and test3 columns.
sqldf("select id || student as id_student, test1, test2, test3
from grades")
Error in sqldf("select id || student as id_student, test1, test2, test3\n from grades"): could not find function "sqldf"
# Modify the answer to the previous question so that the
# "id_student" column contains a dash between the
# id and the name of the student.
# You need to use 'quotes' around the '-' dash.
# First concatenate the id with '-' (don't forget the 'single quotes').
# Then concatenate the student's name.
sqldf("select id || '-' || student as id_student, test1, test2, test3
from grades")
Error in sqldf("select id || '-' || student as id_student, test1, test2, test3\n from grades"): could not find function "sqldf"
30.17 Rules for naming tables and columns
- “IDS1020-Intro to IDS” students can ignore this section.
# Rules for naming tables and columns:
# What happens if you use non-standard characters in the names.
# - ANSI standard SQL - use "double quotes" for non-standard column or
# table names ( NOT 'single quotes' )
# - some other flavors of SQL may use other symbols for this purpose.
# For example:
# o Microsoft Access uses [square brackets] and
# o MySql uses `grave accent` characters (AKA `backticks`)
# (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grave_accent)
# - sqlite (i.e. the default version of SQL for sqldf) allows all of the
# above, i.e. "double quotes", `back ticks` and [square brackets]
# to surround non-standard names. However, it is best to use
# "double quotes" as that is the ANSI standard.
# Every version of SQL has its own rules for which characters are allowed
# to be used in table names and column names. To be safe that your code will work
# on any version of SQL the best bet is to stick to the following rules for
# both table names and for column names:
# 1. only use letters, numbers and underscores
# 2. start the name with a letter
# However, many SQL versions allow for non-standard characters to be included
# in a table name or column name. However, if you use a non-standard character
# then you must 'quote' the name of the table or name of the column
# in SQL commands using the quoting rules provided by the version of SQL
# you are using. When using sqldf, if you use a non-standard character
# (e.g. a period, a space, etc) then you should surround the name of the
# table or column with "double quotes" (`backticks` and [square brackets] also
# work but "double quotes" are preferred as that is the ANSI standard).
# You cannot use 'single quotes' for this purpose.
# To demonstrate we can use the iris dataframe that is built into R.
30.17.1 WARNING: In SQLite, you must use “double quotes” for non standard table or column names.
“IDS1020-Intro to IDS” students can ignore this section.
“IDS2460-Data Management” you should be aware of the following issue.
This doesn’t come up too often but if you are using sqldf to work with R dataframes you should be aware of the following issue. R dataframes often use periods in the column names. This is non-standard for SQL.
# Show the first 10 rows of the iris dataframe that comes built into R.
Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
1 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 setosa
2 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 setosa
3 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 setosa
4 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 setosa
5 5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2 setosa
6 5.4 3.9 1.7 0.4 setosa
7 4.6 3.4 1.4 0.3 setosa
8 5.0 3.4 1.5 0.2 setosa
9 4.4 2.9 1.4 0.2 setosa
10 4.9 3.1 1.5 0.1 setosa
# Use sqldf to display just the Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width and Species columns
# from the "iris" dataframe.
# This dataframe has column names that contain periods. A period
# is NOT a standard character for table and column names. Therefore
# we must use "double quotes" or `back ticks` to quote these column names.
# This does NOT work because of the periods in the column names
# sqldf("select Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, Species
# from iris") # ERROR: no such column Sepal.Length
# This works - i.e. use "double quotes". Note that we used
# 'single quotes' to quote the entire select statement.
sqldf('select "Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width", Species from iris')
Error in sqldf("select \"Sepal.Length\", \"Sepal.Width\", Species from iris"): could not find function "sqldf"
# Same thing but we used "double quotes" to quote the entire select statement.
# Therefore we used \" for every double quote that is inside the command.
sqldf("select \"Sepal.Length\", \"Sepal.Width\", Species from iris")
Error in sqldf("select \"Sepal.Length\", \"Sepal.Width\", Species from iris"): could not find function "sqldf"
# This also works - use `back ticks`
sqldf('select `Sepal.Length`, `Sepal.Width`, Species from iris')
Error in sqldf("select `Sepal.Length`, `Sepal.Width`, Species from iris"): could not find function "sqldf"
# *** WARNING!!! ***
# BE CAREFUL - don't use 'single quotes' here. Single quotes will NOT
# work to quote column names or table names.
# The following will simply display the words 'Sepal.Length' and 'Sepal.Width'
# for every row in the output.
sqldf("select 'Sepal.Length', 'Sepal.Width', Species from iris")
Error in sqldf("select 'Sepal.Length', 'Sepal.Width', Species from iris"): could not find function "sqldf"
30.17.2 Aside: using R “raw strings” (only for those learning R)
- “IDS1020-Intro to IDS” students can ignore this section.
If you are learning SQL but are not interested in learning more about R right now you can safely skip this section.
# RAW STRINGS in R - i.e. r"( ... )"
# You can also use a "raw string" - introduced in R 4.0
# Any string (ie. character value) that appears between r"( .... )"
# is quoted as exactly the value that appears between the r"( and )"
# symbols. For detailed info about R's new raw string feature see this page:
# https://r4ds.hadley.nz/strings.html#sec-raw-strings
# You can use an R "raw string" to quote anything without
# resorting to backslahes or other techniques.
# To create a "raw string" in R place the text that you want to quote
# between r"( and )"
# The r stands for raw, not "R".
# The text being quoted can safely include any characters you like.
# For example, the following "strangeValue" gets displayed just fine.
= r"( Backslash: \ Quote: " Apostrophe: ' )"
cat(strangeValue) # Backslash: \ Quote: " Apostrophe: '
Backslash: \ Quote: " Apostrophe: '
# You can use r"(raw strings)" to very simply quote any SQL command
# that you want to pass to sqldf, regardless of what is in the SQL.
sqldf( r"(select "Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width", Species from iris)" )
Error in sqldf("select \"Sepal.Length\", \"Sepal.Width\", Species from iris"): could not find function "sqldf"
# NOTE - R's new "raw string" syntax is very useful for
# writing regular expression patterns in R
# For example:
# without raw strings - you NEED \\double-backslashes
= "\\d+\\.\\d+"
pattern cat(pattern) # \d+\.\d+
# with raw strings - you DON'T need the \\double-backslashes
= r"(\d+\.\d)"
pattern cat(pattern) # \d+\.\d+
= c("one", "1.593", "278.123", "999")
charNums grep(pattern, charNums, value=TRUE)
[1] "1.593" "278.123"
30.18 where clause
# where clause ####
# The where clause allows you to specify the rows that you want.
# The where clause include a logical expression. The expression is evaluated
# separately for each row in the table (i.e. dataframe in our case).
# The data from the row is substituted into the logical expression. If the
# logical expression results in TRUE then information from the row becomes
# encorporated into the output. If the logical expression results in FALSE
# for the row then the row does not appear in the output.
# Only the rows that have a TRUE result are displayed
sqldf("select student, test1, test2
from grades
where test1 > test2")
Error in sqldf("select student, test1, test2 \n from grades\n where test1 > test2"): could not find function "sqldf"
# You can get all of the columns by using the * instead of the column names
sqldf("select *
from grades
where test1 > test2")
Error in sqldf("select *\n from grades\n where test1 > test2"): could not find function "sqldf"
sqldf("select student, test1, test2
from grades
where test1 >= test2")
Error in sqldf("select student, test1, test2 \n from grades\n where test1 >= test2"): could not find function "sqldf"
sqldf("select student, honors, test1, test2
from grades
where honors == TRUE and test1 < 90 and test2 < 90")
Error in sqldf("select student, honors, test1, test2 \n from grades \n where honors == TRUE and test1 < 90 and test2 < 90"): could not find function "sqldf"
sqldf("select student, honors, test1, test2
from grades
where honors != TRUE and test1 > 90 and test2 > 90")
Error in sqldf("select student, honors, test1, test2 \n from grades \n where honors != TRUE and test1 > 90 and test2 > 90"): could not find function "sqldf"
# When using the relational operators > < >= <=
# with character data, values that would appear earlier in a dictionary
# are considered "less than" values that would appear later in the dictionary.
30.19 SQL operators
# SQL operators
# Different flavors of SQL sometimes use different operators.
# Look up the documentation for your particular flavor of SQL.
# See the SQLite operators here
# https://www.tutorialspoint.com/sqlite/sqlite_operators.htm
# They are summarized below.
# R operator sqlite operator
# ----------- ---------------
# addition + same as R
# subtraction - same as R
# multiplication * same as R
# regular division / / depends on the type of data
# integer division %/% / depends on the type of data
# modulus (remainder) %% %
# equal to == = or == (they both work)
# not equal to != != or <> (they both work)
# greater than > same as R
# less than < same as R
# greater or equal >= same as R
# less or equal <= same as R
# logical not ! not
# logical and && and
# logical or || or
# concatenation paste0(a,b) a || b
# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
# NOTE - the following operators exist in sqlite but mean different
# things than what they mean in R.
# We will probably not cover the details of these operators
# (unless we have extra time) but you should be aware that
# they do NOT do the same thing as in R.
# R operator sqlite operator
# ----------- ---------------
# BITWISE OPERATORS - we will probably not cover these unless we have extra time.
# bitwise "and" not avaialble &
# bitwise "or" not avaialble |
# bitwise "not" not avaialble ~
# left shift bits not avaialble <<
# right shift bits not avaialble >>
30.20 Performing calculations with SQL
# Using SQL to perform calculations ####
# In the sqlite flavor of SQL you can perform calculations by simply
# using SELECT without a FROM clause.
# Some other versions of SQL (e.g. Oracle) require a FROM clause in every select.
# RESULTS of following query
# 3+2 23/5 23.0/5
# 5 4 4.6
sqldf("select 3+2, 23/5, 23.0 / 5") # 5 4 4.6 (headings show calculations)
Error in sqldf("select 3+2, 23/5, 23.0 / 5"): could not find function "sqldf"
# Same result but headings show Sum, IntegerDivision, RealDivision
# Sum IntegerDivision RealDivision
# 5 4 4.6
sqldf("select 3+2 as Sum,
23/5 as IntegerDivision,
23.0 / 5 as RealDivision") # 5 4 4.6 (same results with differnet headings)
Error in sqldf("select 3+2 as Sum, \n 23/5 as IntegerDivision, \n 23.0 / 5 as RealDivision"): could not find function "sqldf"
# You don't actullay need the word "as" but it makes the code more readable.
# The following will produce the same results as above.
sqldf("select 3+2 Sum,
23/5 IntegerDivision,
23.0 / 5 RealDivision") # 5 4 4.6 (same results with differnet headings)
Error in sqldf("select 3+2 Sum, \n 23/5 IntegerDivision, \n 23.0 / 5 RealDivision"): could not find function "sqldf"
# The column heading must only use legal column heading characters.
# If you want to add non-legal column-heading characters, you can put the
# column heading in "double quotes".
# The following adds spaces to some of the column headings.
sqldf('select 3+2 "Sum",
23/5 "Integer Division",
23.0 / 5 "Real Division"') # 5 4 4.6 (same results with differnet headings)
Error in sqldf("select 3+2 \"Sum\", \n 23/5 \"Integer Division\", \n 23.0 / 5 \"Real Division\""): could not find function "sqldf"
# If you perform calculations that do not refer to the columns in a table,
# you will get back the result of the calculation for every row of the table.
# The following will return multiple rows of the answers, one row for each
# of the grades table.
# You generally don't want to do this, which is why we left off the FROM
# clause in our earlier examples.
sqldf('select 3+2 "Sum",
23/5 "Integer Division",
23.0 / 5 "Real Division"
from grades') # you probably dont want the from clause here
Error in sqldf("select 3+2 \"Sum\", \n 23/5 \"Integer Division\", \n 23.0 / 5 \"Real Division\"\n from grades"): could not find function "sqldf"
sqldf("select 3 as curve, student, test1, test1 + 3 as curved_test1 from grades")
Error in sqldf("select 3 as curve, student, test1, test1 + 3 as curved_test1 from grades"): could not find function "sqldf"
30.21 Reminder - how NA works in R
- “IDS1020-Intro to IDS” students can ignore this section.
# Remember how NA works in R ####
# ANY expression that contains NA results in NA
= 100
franksSalary = 200
tinasSalary = NA
nancysSalary = NA
# all of the following result in NA
> nancysSalary # NA franksSalary
[1] NA
== nedsSalary # NA nancysSalary
[1] NA
+ nancysSalary # NA franksSalary
[1] NA
# The only way to test for NA in R is with the is.na function
= c(100,200,NA,NA)
salarys == NA # NA NA NA NA salarys
is.na(salarys) # FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE
# In R, you can check for non-na values using not operator ( ! )
!is.na(salarys) # TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE
# Remember in R that when you perform any operation with NA
# the result is NA. For example:
# > NA + 10
# [1] NA
# > NA == NA
# [1] NA
# > NA != NA
# [1] NA
# SQL has the same approach to NULL values. Any operation with NULL
# results in NULL.
30.22 NULL in SQL
# NULL values in SQL ####
# In relational database tables, the value NULL is used to record
# a value that is "not known". For example a salary value of NULL
# is treated as a salary that hasn't been recorded in the database yet.
# This is very different from a salary of 0 which would be the case if
# someone is volunteering or donating their time.
# Note that when using sqldf to run SQL commands in R
# the data is stored in an R dataframe. Therefore these types of values
# appear in the dataframe as NA but the SQL statements use the term NULL.
# In an actual relational database these values would also appear in the
# table as NULL (not as NA)
# Check for values that are NULL in the following way:
# (see examples below)
# NOTE: DO NOT USE "== NULL". The == operator will NOT work with NULL
# show all rows for which the test3 grade is NULL
# NOTE: Remember that R does not understand NULL, R uses NA.
# Remember that SQL understands NULL and does not understand NA.
# Since sqldf uses R dataframes, the sqldf function automatically
# translates NULL into NA and vice versa when using SQL code to
# access data in R dataframes.
sqldf("select *
from grades
where test3 is NULL")
Error in sqldf("select *\n from grades\n where test3 is NULL"): could not find function "sqldf"
sqldf("select *
from grades
where test3 = NULL") # use IS NULL!!!
Error in sqldf("select *\n from grades\n where test3 = NULL"): could not find function "sqldf"
# Check for values that aren't NULL in the following way:
# (see examples below)
# NOTE: DO NOT USE "!= NULL". The != operator will NOT work with NULL
# show all rows for which the test3 grade is NOT NULL (i.e. isn't NA)
sqldf("select *
from grades
where test3 is NOT NULL")
Error in sqldf("select *\n from grades\n where test3 is NOT NULL"): could not find function "sqldf"
sqldf("select *
from grades
where test3 != NULL") # use IS NOT NULL !!!
Error in sqldf("select *\n from grades\n where test3 != NULL"): could not find function "sqldf"
30.23 Practice
# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
# curve all test3 grades by 10 points (NULLs remain NULL)
# (remember that since we are using R, the NULL values
# appear as NA)
# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
sqldf("select student, test3, test3 + 10 as curved_test3
from grades
order by student")
Error in sqldf("select student, test3, test3 + 10 as curved_test3\n from grades\n order by student"): could not find function "sqldf"
# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
# Show rows where both test2 and test3 are NULL
# REMEMBER when looking for NULL values:
# USE: value IS NULL # correct
# DON'T use: value = NULL # wrong
# USE: value IS NOT NULL # correct
# DON'T use: value != NULL # wrong
# . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
sqldf("select student, test1, test2, test3
from grades
where test2 IS NULL and test3 IS NULL
order by student")
Error in sqldf("select student, test1, test2, test3\n from grades\n where test2 IS NULL and test3 IS NULL \n order by student"): could not find function "sqldf"
sqldf("select student, test1, test2, test3
from grades
where test2 == NULL and test3 == NULL
order by student")
Error in sqldf("select student, test1, test2, test3\n from grades\n where test2 == NULL and test3 == NULL \n order by student"): could not find function "sqldf"
30.24 Tutorials sqlbolt.com and w3chools.com
Please see the tutorials at the following locations.
- https://sqlbolt.com/ These pages cover basic SELECT statements. They refer to the following tables
- movies
- north_american_cities
- https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_join.asp This page teaches how to work with more than one table. They refer to the following tables
- customers
- orders
The file <sqlbolt_tables-v007.RData> contains the dataframes with the information for each table that are used on these websites. These dataframes can be loaded into R from this file with the following command.
# sqlbolt.com and https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_join.asp ####
Below are the contents of these tables:
sqldf("select * from movies")
Error in sqldf("select * from movies"): could not find function "sqldf"
sqldf("select * from orders")
Error in sqldf("select * from orders"): could not find function "sqldf"
sqldf("select * from customers")
Error in sqldf("select * from customers"): could not find function "sqldf"
sqldf("select * from north_american_cities")
Error in sqldf("select * from north_american_cities"): could not find function "sqldf"
30.24.1 Practice - select clause
# https://sqlbolt.com/lesson/select_queries_introduction
# Concepts:
# Select query for a specific columns
# SELECT column, another_column, .
# FROM mytable;
# Select query for all columns
# FROM mytable;
id title director year length_minutes
1 1 Toy Story John Lasseter 1995 81
2 2 A Bug's Life John Lasseter 1998 95
3 3 Toy Story 2 John Lasseter 1999 93
4 4 Monsters, Inc. Pete Docter 2001 92
5 5 Finding Nemo Andrew Stanton 2003 107
6 6 The Incredibles Brad Bird 2004 116
7 7 Cars John Lasseter 2006 117
8 8 Ratatouille Brad Bird 2007 115
9 9 WALL-E Andrew Stanton 2008 104
10 10 Up Pete Docter 2009 101
11 11 Toy Story 3 Lee Unkrich 2010 103
12 12 Cars 2 John Lasseter 2011 120
13 13 Brave Brenda Chapman 2012 102
14 14 Monsters University Dan Scanlon 2013 110
15 87 WALL-G Brenda Chapman 2042 92
#Exercise 1 - Tasks
#Find the title of each film
sql "select title
from movies"
[1] "select title\n from movies"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
#Find the director of each film
sql "select director
from movies"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
#Find the title and director of each film
sql "select title, director
from movies"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
#Find the title and year of each film
sql "select title, year
from movies"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
#Find all the information about each film
sqldf("select *
from movies")
Error in sqldf("select *\n from movies"): could not find function "sqldf"
# The following produces the exact same results as above
sqldf("select id, title, director, year, length_minutes
from movies")
Error in sqldf("select id, title, director, year, length_minutes\n from movies"): could not find function "sqldf"
Practice - ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS (not on sqlbolt.com)
# Show the movie name, length_minutes and a third column that you
# calculate which is the length in hours
# when you divide an integer by an integer the result in sql in an integer
# if you divide a floating point number by an integer or vice versa the
# result is floating point (i.e. a number that has values after the decimal point)
# This is a good start but the length_hours column will always show up
# as a whole number - this is NOT what we wanted.
= "select title, length_minutes, length_minutes/60 as length_hours
sql from movies"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# Change 60 to 60.0 to produce a "floating point" value (i.e. a value
# that contains numbers after the decimal point)
= "select title, length_minutes, length_minutes/60.0 as length_hours
sql from movies"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# show the length in hours, minutes - eg. 81 minutes show as 2 hours and 21 minutes
sql "select title, length_minutes, length_minutes / 60 as hours,
length_minutes - 60 * (length_minutes/60) as minutes
from movies"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# ANSWER - using sqlite's % operator
sql "select title, length_minutes, length_minutes / 60 as hours,
length_minutes % 60 as minutes
from movies"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# Note that while it is tempting to refer to hours on line 2 of the following
# query, R's version of SQL (ie. sqlite) will not allow for this.
# Some SQL flavors will allow this.
sql "select title, length_minutes, length_minutes / 60 as hours,
length_minutes - 60 * hours as minutes
from movies"
# sqldf(sql) # ERROR - no such column: hours
30.24.2 Practice - where clause
# https://sqlbolt.com/lesson/select_queries_with_constraints
# Select query with constraints
# SELECT column, another_column, .
# FROM mytable
# WHERE condition
# AND/OR another_condition
# AND/OR .;
# # List of SQL operators (see webpage)
# Operator Condition SQL Example
# =, !=, < <=, >, >= Standard numerical operators col_name != 4
# BETWEEN . AND . Number is within range of two values (inclusive) col_name BETWEEN 1.5 AND 10.5
# NOT BETWEEN . AND . Number is not within range of two values (inclusive) col_name NOT BETWEEN 1 AND 10
# IN (.) Number exists in a list col_name IN (2, 4, 6)
# NOT IN (.) Number does not exist in a list col_name NOT IN (1, 3, 5)
# Exercise 2 - Tasks
# Find the movie with a row id of 6
= "
sql select *
from movies
where id=6"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# BETWEEN ... AND ...
# and
# Find the movies released in the years between 2000 and 2010
= "select *
sql from movies
where year >= 2000 and year <= 2010 "
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# you can combine the above where clause with a different select clause:
# For example:
= "select title, length_minutes, length_minutes / 60 as hours,
sql length_minutes - 60 * (length_minutes/60) as minutes,
from movies
where year >= 2000 and year <= 2010 "
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# use the BETWEEN ... AND ...
# to do the same thing
= "select *
sql from movies
where year between 2000 and 2010"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# Find the movies not released in the years between 2000 and 2010
= "select *
sql from movies
where year < 2000 or year > 2010"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# use the NOT BETWEEN ... AND ...
# to do the same thing
= "select *
sql from movies
where year not between 2000 and 2010"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
30.24.3 Practice - limit clause
# The LIMIT clause must come at the very end of the SQL
# statement. For example:
# FROM grades
# ORDER BY student
# Displayes the first 3 students.
# In general:
# limit M
# (where M is an integer) results in only the first
# M rows of data from what would normally have been displayed
# had the LIMIT clause not been specified.
# limit M offset N
# (where both M and N are integers)
# starts the output from the N+1'th row of what would normally
# have been displayed without the limit clause and then
# displays the next M rows of data.
# Find the first 5 movies and their release year
# We will learn the best way to do this a little later. The
# answer on the sqlbolt website is not ideal.
sqldf("select *
from movies
order by year")
Error in sqldf("select * \n from movies\n order by year"): could not find function "sqldf"
# The limit clause allows to retrieve the first several values from an
# ordered query
sqldf("select *
from movies
order by year
limit 5")
Error in sqldf("select * \n from movies\n order by year\n limit 5"): could not find function "sqldf"
# Get the next 2 movies
sqldf("select *
from movies
order by year
limit 2 offset 5")
Error in sqldf("select * \n from movies\n order by year\n limit 2 offset 5"): could not find function "sqldf"
# Find all movies that were released in 2000, 2004 or 2008
sql "select *
from movies
where year = 2000 or year = 2004 or year = 2008"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# Do this again using the IN operator
# The IN operators takes a LIST of information
# A LIST is a set of values in parentheses, separated by commans.
sql "select *
from movies
where year in (2000,2004,2008)"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# show the movies that were released in years other than 2000, 2004, 2008
sql "select *
from movies
where year != 2000 and year != 2004 and year != 2008"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# A student asked if we could change the and's in the previous question
# to be or's instead. The answer is you can but in addition to
# changing the and's to or's you must also modify the logical expression
# in other ways. Specifically, DeMorgan's law describes how to
# rewrite any logical expression that uses and's and or's into an
# equivalent expression.
# DeMorgans law says: to convert a logical expression
# step 1: negate it twice (ie. use two not's)
# Step 2: (a) distribute one of the not's over the expression
# (b) change the and's to or's
# (c) change the or's to and's
sql "select *
from movies
where not ( year = 2000 or year = 2004 or year = 2008)"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# do this with the "not in" operator
sql "select *
from movies
where year not in (2000,2004,2008)"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# warning - the "in" operator is followed by a list of values.
# The list of values is in parentheses.
# if the values are numbers there are no quotes e.g. (2000,2004,2005)
# If the values are character values then in SQL you must use
# 'single quotes' around the different values.
# See the next question
# Write a SQL SELECT statment to show all the movies that
# were directed by any of the following people:
# Pete Docter , Brad Bird, Dan Scanlon
# (a) Write it using the IN operator
# (b) write it without using the IN operator
# ANSWER - part (a)
= "select *
sql from movies
where director IN ('Pete Docter', 'Brad Bird', 'Dan Scanlon')
order by director"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# ANSWER - part (b) - without the IN operator
= "select *
sql from movies
where director='Pete Docter' or director='Brad Bird' or director = 'Dan Scanlon'
order by director"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
30.24.4 Practice - “like” operator
# The "like" operator
# The like operator in sql uses a "pattern" to match data values
# This is similar to regular expressions. However, the SQL like
# operator uses very different meta characters.
# The two standard metacharacters that are used by the sql like
# operator in the pattern are:
# % will "match" 0 or more characters (equivalent to .* in regex)
# _ i.e. an underscore, will "match" exactly one character (equivalent to . in regex)
# Some DBMS software allows for additional metacharacters in LIKE clauses
# For example, MySql allows for the following. (sqlite does not)
# [abc] MySQL DBMS software recognizes these "character classes"
# [a-c] similar to regular expressions. Not all DBMS software recognizes
# [^a-c] these. sqlite does not.
# exercise 3
# Exercise 3 - Tasks
# Find all the Toy Story movies
= "select *
sql from movies
where title like 'Toy Story%'"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# Find all the movies directed by John Lasseter
= "select *
sql from movies
where director = 'John Lasseter'"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# Find all the movies (and director) not directed by John Lasseter
= "select *
sql from movies
where director != 'John Lasseter'"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# The following will work but is NOT recommended (no pun intended)
= "select *
sql from movies
where NOT ( director = 'John Lasseter' ) "
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# Find all the WALL-* movies
= "select *
sql from movies
where title like 'WALL-_'"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
id title director year length_minutes
1 1 Toy Story John Lasseter 1995 81
2 2 A Bug's Life John Lasseter 1998 95
3 3 Toy Story 2 John Lasseter 1999 93
4 4 Monsters, Inc. Pete Docter 2001 92
5 5 Finding Nemo Andrew Stanton 2003 107
6 6 The Incredibles Brad Bird 2004 116
7 7 Cars John Lasseter 2006 117
8 8 Ratatouille Brad Bird 2007 115
9 9 WALL-E Andrew Stanton 2008 104
10 10 Up Pete Docter 2009 101
11 11 Toy Story 3 Lee Unkrich 2010 103
12 12 Cars 2 John Lasseter 2011 120
13 13 Brave Brenda Chapman 2012 102
14 14 Monsters University Dan Scanlon 2013 110
15 87 WALL-G Brenda Chapman 2042 92
# Show all movies that start with a "T" and end with an "s"
= "select *
sql from movies
where title like 'T%s'
order by title"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# Show all movies whose title is exactly 6 charcters (including spaces)
= "select *
sql from movies
where title like '______'
order by title"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# Show all movies whose title starts with A,B or C
# and whose title is 10 characters or longer
="select title
sql from movies
where title BETWEEN 'A' AND 'D' and
title LIKE '__________%'"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# Show all movies whose title starts with A,B or C
# and whose title is fewer than 10 characters or long
="select title
sql from movies
where title BETWEEN 'A' AND 'D' and
title NOT LIKE '__________%'"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
="select substr(title, 1,1) from movies order by 1"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
sqldf("select * from movies where substr(title,1,1) = 'M'")
Error in sqldf("select * from movies where substr(title,1,1) = 'M'"): could not find function "sqldf"
sqldf("select * from movies where title < 'D'")
Error in sqldf("select * from movies where title < 'D'"): could not find function "sqldf"
30.24.5 Practice - select distinct
# Depending on which values are selected, a SELECT ... statement
# might return exactly the same row in the output multiple times.
# To instead, show only one copy of each row in the output,
# start the statement with SELECT DISTINCT ...
# (instead of just SELECT ...)
# See the examples below.
# The output of the following query includes some rows
# that are exactly the same as other rows.
sqldf("select year, honors, major
from grades
where honors = TRUE and major = 'IDS'
order by year")
Error in sqldf("select year, honors, major \n from grades\n where honors = TRUE and major = 'IDS'\n order by year"): could not find function "sqldf"
# The following query is exactly the same as the previous query, except
# that the following query includes the word DISTINCT at the beginning
# of the query.
# This version of the query does not include any duplicated rows in the output.
sqldf("select DISTINCT year, honors, major
from grades
where honors = TRUE and major = 'IDS'
order by year, major")
Error in sqldf("select DISTINCT year, honors, major \n from grades\n where honors = TRUE and major = 'IDS'\n order by year, major"): could not find function "sqldf"
sqldf("select DISTINCT student, year, honors, major
from grades
where honors = TRUE and major = 'IDS'
order by year, major")
Error in sqldf("select DISTINCT student, year, honors, major \n from grades\n where honors = TRUE and major = 'IDS'\n order by year, major"): could not find function "sqldf"
# Exercise 4
# Show just the director column
= "select director
sql from movies"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# List all directors of movies, without duplicates
= "select DISTINCT director
sql from movies"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# List all directors of movies (alphabetically), without duplicates
= "select DISTINCT director
sql from movies
order by director"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# Both the where clause and the order by clause may refer to information
# that is not actually displayed by the select clause
# For example
# List the title and year for all movies directed by John Lasseter.
# Do not John Lasseter's name in the output.
= "select title, year
sql from movies
where director = 'John Lasseter'"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# List the title of all movies in "reverse chronological order".
# In other words, the most recent movie should be listed first and the
# oldest movie listed last.
# Do NOT show the actual year in the output.
= "select title
sql from movies
order by year desc"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# List the last four movies released (ordered from least recent to most recent)
= "select *
sql from movies
order by year"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# the following does the same thing
= "select *
sql from movies
order by year asc"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# List the last four movies released (ordered from most recent to last)
# To order a column in descending order follow the name of the column with desc
= "select *
sql from movies
order by year desc"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
= "select *
sql from movies
order by year desc
limit 4"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# List all movies sorted alphabetically by title
= "select *
sql from movies
order by title"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# List the first five movies sorted alphabetically
= "select *
sql from movies
order by title
limit 5"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# List the next five movies sorted alphabetically
= "select *
sql from movies
order by title
limit 5 offset 5"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# List the next five movies sorted alphabetically
= "select *
sql from movies
order by title
limit 5 offset 10"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
30.24.6 Practice - more practice - north_american_cities
# Review 1 - Tasks
# https://sqlbolt.com/lesson/select_queries_review
# See the table (i.e. dataframe)
sqldf("select * north_american_cities")
Error in sqldf("select * north_american_cities"): could not find function "sqldf"
# List all the Canadian cities and their populations
= "select country, city, population
sql from north_american_cities
where country='Canada'"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# Order all the cities in the United States by their latitude from north to south
= "
sql select *
from north_american_cities
where country = 'United States'
order by latitude desc"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# List all the cities west of Chicago, ordered from west to east
= "select *
sql from north_american_cities
where longitude < -87.62980
order by longitude
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# List the two largest cities in Mexico (by population)
# Start by listing all of the cities in Mexico in order of decreasing population
= "select *
sql from north_american_cities
where country = 'Mexico'
order by population desc"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# use the limit clause to limit results to only a specified number of values
# Start by listing all of the cities in Mexico
= "select *
sql from north_american_cities
where country = 'Mexico'
order by population desc
limit 2"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# The limit clause takes an option "offset"
# Each row in the data has an imaginary number starting with 0 for the 1st row
# and 1 for the 2nd row , etc.
= "select * from north_american_cities
sql order by population desc"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# Do the same thing but only get the 3 largest cities
= "select * from north_american_cities
sql order by population desc
limit 3"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# Do the same thing but get the 4th, 5th and 6th largest cities
= "select * from north_american_cities
sql order by population desc
limit 3 offset 3"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# Do the same thing but get the 7th 8th and 9th largest cities
= "select * from north_american_cities
sql order by population desc
limit 3 offset 6"
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# List the third and fourth largest cities (by population) in the United States and their population
# Let's start by showing all USA cities
= "select *
sql from north_american_cities
where country = 'United States'
order by population desc
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
# Use limit 2 offset 3 to just show the 3rd and 4th largest cities
= "select *
sql from north_american_cities
where country = 'United States'
order by population desc
limit 2 offset 2
Error in sqldf(sql): could not find function "sqldf"
30.25 dynamic SQL - a brief introduction
- “IDS1020-Intro to IDS” students can ignore this section.
# It is very common for SQL to be "embedded" in another language
# very similar to what we are doing with R. There are ways to
# "embed" SQL in all popular programming languages.
# This technique of building a sql statement from different parts of
# info using another language (in this case R) is known
# as "dynamic sql".
# Brief intro to an advanced concept: "dynamic SQL"?
# As we've already learned, the sqldf function takes a
# single character value that contains
# a SQL command, e.g. sqldf("SELECT * FROM SOME_TABLE")
# This allows us to use the SQL language inside our R programs.
# However, you must remember that SQL and R are very different
# languages. As we learn SQL, we will focus primarily on how to write
# various forms of SQL commands. We wont focus much on R
# other than to use the sqldf function to run the SQL code.
# However, sometimes it is adventageous to
# use R code (more than just sqldf) to "dynamically" construct a
# SQL statement based on some other information that is
# available to your R code but would not have been available
# at the time you are writing the SQL code.
# For example, the following function, mySelect
# takes two arguments:
# table - The name of a table
# cols - The names of the columns to display from the table
# It displays just the specified columns from the specified table.
= function( table, cols){
mySelect = paste(cols, collapse=",")
colsList = paste0( "select ", colsList, " from ", table)
selectStatement sqldf(selectStatement)
# The function can now be called with different tables and
# lists of columns
mySelect("movies", c("title","director"))
Error in sqldf(selectStatement): could not find function "sqldf"
mySelect("grades", c("student", "year", "test1", "test2"))
Error in sqldf(selectStatement): could not find function "sqldf"