21 21. Intro to Command Line Interfaces (CLIs)
Modern computers and the programs that they run allow you to click and drag icons, use menus, open many programs at once, etc. It's hard to imagine a computer that doesn't have these features. However, a long time ago (pre 1990'ish) none of this was possible. In order to use a computer you had to memorize many different commands. You would type these commands into the computer in order to run programs and interact with the computer.
Today the modern computer "interface" (the one that has icons, menus, etc.) is known as a Graphical User Interface or GUI (pronounced "gooey"). The old-style interface that required that you type commands to do ANYTHING is still able to be used. This type of interface is known as a "Command Line Interface" or CLI.
For day to day casual computer work, it may be hard to understand why anyone would use a CLI instead of a modern GUI interface. Using a CLI requires memorizing many different seemingly arcane commands instead of just "pointing and clicking" on what you want. Why would anyone want to do that?
21.2.1 Reason 1 - it allows you to do powerful things quickly
Many of the CLI commands can be quite powerful and can cut down the amount of time it takes to do things by A LOT. For example, suppose a folder contains 1000 files. For example, "expenseReport-Jan2020.xlsx", "meetingMinutes-Jan012020.docx", etc. (1000 such files) You are told by your boss that you must add your name as part of the filename for each of these 1000 files. If you are using a GUI, that could take hours. However, for someone who is proficient with a using a CLI, it could take seconds to type in the correct commands to do that for all 1000 files.
21.2.2 Reason 2: - you can create “scripts” to automate many things
Suppose your boss told you that everyone in the company needs to make the same changes to their filenames. However, not everyone knows how to use a CLI. You could theoretically create a small "script" (ie. a program) using the CLI commands that would allow anyone to "run the script" to make the changes. Tasks that need to be done repeatedly are often best accomplished by creating a CLI script. The script can then be run anytime the task needs to be done. Note that you can create similar scripts or programs using another programming language but a CLI script is often the easiest and most appropriate method to create such scripts.
21.2.3 Reason 3: Tech and data professionals are often expected to understand how to use a CLI.
Often many advanced commands are only available to be run from the command line. For example, the wget program is a command line program that can be used to download the code for an entire website or just specific files that you’d like to get.
Many basic concepts from the command line carry over directly to any programming language (including R) in relation to interacting with the operating system. Concepts such as absolute and relative paths, wildcards in filenames, etc. come up over and over again when you work with data.
Just as the Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the Mac is different from the GUI for Windows, the standard CLI available for the Mac is different from the CLI(s) that are available on Windows. This means that the commands that you need to type on Mac are different from the commands that you would type on Windows.
21.3.1 Mac
The Mac CLI is used by running the Terminal program that comes with the Mac. The terminal program actual runs a form of the Bash shell (see more below).
21.3.2 Windows
Windows comes with two different CLIs built into the system:
The “Command Prompt” (cmd) : This was the original CLI for Windows. It is a little bit dated and not as powerful as other options. Nevertheless it is still very popular.
“Powershell”: This is a newer CLI that Microsoft first introduced in 2006. It is more complicated to use than the “Command Prompt” but in many ways is more powerful. Today Windows comes with both CLIs.
There are also options for installing a version of the “Bash Shell” on Windows. See below for more info.
21.4 What is the “Bash Shell” program?
While most computer users today use either the Windows or Mac operating system, the Linux operating system is very popular for running “server” computers. These are the computers that support many of the “backoffice” tasks in companies today. These include computers that host company websites as well as company databases and many other critical corporate technology services.
Linux is a derivative of the Unix operating system. These operating systems, (Linux and Unix), have many different “command line interface” (CLI) programs available to choose from. A very popular CLI on these computers is the “Bash Shell”. The word “shell” is a synonym for a “command line interface”. The word “shell” was first coined by the creators of Unix. The idea is that to interact with guts of the operating system you must “go through” the shell (i.e. use the CLI commands), similar to the way you must “go through the shell” of an egg in order to get to the inside.
Note that the “Bash Shell” has become somewhat of a standard. Apple Mac is also derived from the original Unix operating system and by default, the Mac Terminal program also runs a version of the Bash Shell. While Windows doesn't natively come with the Bash Shell, you can download many different versions of a "Bash" CLI program that can be used on Windows. Some of these are listed below. Note that installing these go beyond the scope of what we are covering here. For more info search online for info about each of these options.