21  19. scientific notation ~(longer version)~

# remove all varibles
rm (list = ls())

##  A couple of introductory comments about basic math

# how many zeros are there in a power of 10?

# The number of zeros (before the decimal point) in a
# POSITIVE power of 10 is the same as the exponent

10^1    # 10  (one zero)
[1] 10
10^2   # 100  (two zeros)
[1] 100
10^3  # 1000  (three zeros)
[1] 1000
10^4  # 10000  (four zeros)
[1] 10000
# etc ...

# The number of zeros after the decimal point in a
# NEGATIVE power of 10 is one less than the absolute value of the exponent

10^-1  # 0.1    (no zeros after the decimal point)
[1] 0.1
10^-2  # 0.01   (one zero after the decimal point)
[1] 0.01
10^-3  # 0.001  (two zeros after the decimal point)
[1] 0.001
10^-4  # 0.0001 (three zeros after the decimal point)
[1] 1e-04
# etc ...

# Intro to Scientific Notation in R
# Multiplying numbers by powers of 10

# If you multiply a number by a POSITIVE POWER of 10 the decimal point
# will move to the RIGHT by the number of positions as expressed by the exponent.
# Example:

1.234 * 10^0     # 1.234 : 10^0 is 1 so this doesn't change the first number
[1] 1.234
1.234 * 10^1     # 12.34 : 10^1 is 10 so this moves the decimal to the right by 1 position
[1] 12.34
1.234 * 10^2     # 123.4 : 10^2 is 100 so this moves the decimal to the right by 1 position
[1] 123.4
1.234 * 10^3     # 1234.0
[1] 1234
1.234 * 10^4     # 12340.0
[1] 12340
# etc ...

# If you multiply a number by a NEGATIVE POWER of 10 the decimal point
# will move to the LEFT by the number of positions as expressed by the exponent.
# Example:

123.4 * 10^-1     # 12.34    move decimal point 1 position to the left
[1] 12.34
123.4 * 10^-2     # 1.234    move decimal point 2 positions to the left
[1] 1.234
123.4 * 10^-3     # 0.1234   move decimal point 3 positions to the left
[1] 0.1234
123.4 * 10^-4     # 0.01234  move decimal point 4 positions to the left
[1] 0.01234
# etc ...

# These types of calculations can be used as a shorthand to write very large numbers
# and very small numbers in a very compact way. For example: 
#   9.234 * 10^100  is shorthand for 
#   the very very large number 9234000000...(total of 97 zeros)...0000
#   i.e. 97 zeros after the 9234
#   9.234 * 10^-100 is shorthand for
#   the very very small number 0.00000......(99 zeros)...0009234
#   i.e. 99 zeros between the decimal point and the 9234
# The above calculations are examples of "Scientific notation".
# Scientific notation is used as a shorthand for writing very big numbers
# (and very small numbers - see below)

# R has a shorthand notation for writing these types of calculations.
# Instead of writing 1.2345*10^6, you could instead write 1.2345e6
# The "e" in the number stands for "exponent". The "e" is understood
# to be read as "times ten to the power of". The number after the "e"
# is the exponent for the power of 10.
# EXAMPLE - all of the following are the same exact number:

1234500            # this is the same
[1] 1234500
1.2345 * 10^6      # this is the same   1234500
[1] 1234500
1.2345e6           # this is the same
[1] 1234500
# By default R will display values in scientific notation if the number is
# very very big or very small. For example:

# very large number - by default, R shows this value in scientific notation
12300000000  # 1.23e+10 
[1] 1.23e+10
# very small number - by default, R shows this value in scientific notation
0.000000123 # 1.23e-07
[1] 1.23e-07
# We can also write scientific notation in our code if we like.

1.23e+9 / 1e+8  # 12.3 , same as  1230000000 / 100000000  but a easier to read :)
[1] 12.3
1.2e-4  # 0.00012
[1] 0.00012
0.0000000000123 == 1.23e-11
[1] TRUE
0.00000000001231 == 1.23e-11
# If R returns some very large numbers or some very small numbers in a vector,
# the ALL of the numbers in the vector will be displayed in scientific notation.

# Some typical arithmetic - nothing surprising.

100 / c(100, 20)         # 1   5  
[1] 1 5
# Same code as above but the last value will be very large so ALL of the
# results are expressed in scientific notation.

100 / c(100, 20)   # 1  5
[1] 1 5
100 / c(100, 20, 0.001)  # 1e+00  5e+00  1e+05
[1] 1e+00 5e+00 1e+05
# numbers are all low enough to display without scientific notation
3 ^ (1:5)   # 3  9  27  81  243 
[1]   3   9  27  81 243
# Some of the larger numbers are displayed in scientific notation so
# R displays ALL of the numbers in scientific notation
3 ^ (1:30) # 3.00e+00  9.00e+00  2.70e+01  8.10e+01  2.43e+02  etc ...
 [1] 3.000000e+00 9.000000e+00 2.700000e+01 8.100000e+01 2.430000e+02
 [6] 7.290000e+02 2.187000e+03 6.561000e+03 1.968300e+04 5.904900e+04
[11] 1.771470e+05 5.314410e+05 1.594323e+06 4.782969e+06 1.434891e+07
[16] 4.304672e+07 1.291402e+08 3.874205e+08 1.162261e+09 3.486784e+09
[21] 1.046035e+10 3.138106e+10 9.414318e+10 2.824295e+11 8.472886e+11
[26] 2.541866e+12 7.625597e+12 2.287679e+13 6.863038e+13 2.058911e+14
# MORAL OF THE STORY - don't become alarmed
# Occasionally, you will see R displaying numbers in 
# scientific notation. Don't become confused. Understand
# that these are just "regular numbers" being displayed in 
# a more concise format. Any math that is done with these
# numbers is the same as if you did the same math with the 
# equivalent non-scientific-notation format.


# QUESTION - Write the value 4.98e+5 as a "regular" number

# QUESTION - Write the value of 4.98e-3 as a "regular" number

# what are the values of the following expressions?
#    1e-2 + 2e-1
#    9.876e5
#    5.23e4 + 1000
# What will R display for the following numbers?
#    12340000000000 (ten zeros)
#    0.0000000000123 (ten zeros)



# Roundoff error in Decimal (base-10) and Binary (base-2)

# The numbers what we humans use every day are made up of 10 different digits i.e 0,1,2 .. 9
# These numbers are therefore called "base-10" numbers or "decimal" numbers.
# It may sound strange, but in order to perform many calculations, computers internally use numbers
# that only have 1 and 0 as digits. These numbers are known as "base-2" or "binary" numbers. When computers display numbers to 
# people, the numbers are converted to the "base-10" (or "decimal") numbers that we are
# used to seeing.

# Right now we will NOT discuss the intricate details of how 
# computer work with Binary (base-2) numbers.
# (For more info. you can refer to the powerpoint on Canvas.)
# HOWEVER, you should understand the following ...
# The fractions that can be converted to an exact number with a decimal point are 
# different for base-2 (aka binary) numbers and for base-10 (aka decimal) numbers. 
# For binary numbers (i.e. numbers that computers use internally)
# fractions that can be reduced to have a power of 2 in the denominator
# can be represented by a terminating decimal point value. 
# Other fractions cannot. 
# This issue leads to "roundoff" error very frequently when doing math
# in computer programming- similar to 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 ...
# R masks this issue by displaying what you might think a number is.
# However, the actual value for the number might be something else. 
# You can use the print.default (or just print) function with the 
# digits argument to display the ACTUAL value that R stores for a number

[1] 0.1
print(0.1, digits=22)
[1] 0.1000000000000000055511
[1] 0.3
print(0.3, digits=22)
[1] 0.2999999999999999888978
[1] 0.6
print(0.6, digits=22)
[1] 0.5999999999999999777955
[1] 1.1
print(1.1, digits=22)
[1] 1.100000000000000088818
# This issue can lead to "roundoff" errors. There are ways to deal with 
# this but it can get a little involved for this early in the course.
# for right now, just accept it. We'll revisit this issue later.

# It is well known that the fraction 1/3 cannot be directly represented by 
# a number with a decimal point. The best we can do is 0.333...  You would need
# an infinite number of 3's after the decimal point to accurately represent the 
# fraction 1/3. Therefore 0.333 + 0.333 + 0.333 is NOT the same as 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3.
# Similarly 1/11 is 0.090909... You cannot represent one eleventh exactly using
# a finite number of digits.

# In binary (i.e. base-2) a similar problem exists. However, the numbers that cannot
# be represented exactly are different from those in decimal. For example, if you 
# would convert 1/5 to binary, you would not get an exact representation. 
# Therefore R will not be able to represent the value of 1/5 exactly 
# using standard "numeric" values.

oneFifth = 1/5
oneFifth                   # R displays a rounded version of the value
[1] 0.2
print(1/5 , digits=22)     # you can see the actual value stored by specifying the # of digits after the decimal point
[1] 0.2000000000000000111022
print(1/5 * 1, digits=22)
[1] 0.2000000000000000111022
print(1/5 * 2, digits=22)
[1] 0.4000000000000000222045
print(1/5 * 3, digits=22)
[1] 0.6000000000000000888178
print(1/5 * 4, digits=22)
[1] 0.8000000000000000444089
print(1/5 * 5, digits=22)
[1] 1
# The same is true for 1/10

oneTenth = 1/10
[1] 0.1
print(oneTenth, digits=22)
[1] 0.1000000000000000055511
print(oneTenth * 1 , digits =22)
[1] 0.1000000000000000055511
print(oneTenth * 2 , digits =22)
[1] 0.2000000000000000111022
print(oneTenth * 3 , digits =22)
[1] 0.3000000000000000444089
print(oneTenth * 4 , digits =22)
[1] 0.4000000000000000222045
print(oneTenth * 5 , digits =22)
[1] 0.5
print(oneTenth * 6 , digits =22)
[1] 0.6000000000000000888178
print(oneTenth * 7 , digits =22)
[1] 0.7000000000000000666134
print(oneTenth * 8 , digits =22)
[1] 0.8000000000000000444089
print(oneTenth * 9 , digits =22)
[1] 0.9000000000000000222045
print(oneTenth * 10 , digits =22)
[1] 1
# R has over 80 different options that you can set. For most of the time we will
# choose to just leave the defaults that are set when R is installed. However, 
# sometimes it is helpful to change some of these options. 
# options()    # see all of R's options and their values
# When working with roundoff error issues it is helpful sometimes to automatically
# see more digits after the decimal point when you perform R commands. 
# You can do that through R's options. See the following for more info.
# options()          # see all of R's options and their values
# names(options())   # see just the names of the options without their values
# getOption("digits") # see the value of the digits option (default for new installation is 7)
# options(digits=22)  # set the number of max # of digits that R will display for a number

options()    # see all of R's options and their values
[1] TRUE


function (msg) 
    custom_handler <- getOption("cli.default_handler")
    if (is.function(custom_handler)) {
    else {
<bytecode: 0x0000019eefa9f500>
<environment: namespace:cli>




[1] 1

[1] "+ "

        unordered           ordered 
"contr.treatment"      "contr.poly" 

[1] "datasets"  "utils"     "grDevices" "graphics"  "stats"     "methods"  

[1] "default"

[1] 60

function (width = 7, height = 7, ...) 
    grDevices::pdf(NULL, width, height, ...)
<bytecode: 0x0000019eef08f098>
<environment: namespace:knitr>


[1] 7


[1] "notepad"

[1] "native.enc"

[1] "default"

[1] 5000

[1] "vignette" "demo"     "help"    


[1] "html"

[1] TRUE

[1] "R (4.4.0 x86_64-w64-mingw32 x86_64 mingw32)"

[1] "interactive"

[1] 2

[1] TRUE




[1] TRUE

[1] TRUE

[1] "mailto"

[1] "default"

[1] 25000

[1] 99999

[1] TRUE

[1] "na.omit"

[1] 50

[1] "."

[1] "internal"

[1] "letter"

[1] NA


[1] TRUE

[1] "C:/PROGRA~1/R/R-44~1.0/bin/x64/open.exe"

[1] "both"

[1] "> "


[1] 0

[1] TRUE

[1] TRUE

[1] TRUE

[1] TRUE

[1] 50


[1] "no"

[1] 3

[1] 4

[1] 99


[1] TRUE

function (x, ...) 
format(x, trim = TRUE, drop0trailing = TRUE, ...)
<environment: 0x0000019eef95b228>

[1] "`"

[1] "000390-sciNotation_roundoffError_v005-tikzDictionary"

[1] 60

A connection with                            
description "output"        
class       "textConnection"
mode        "wr"            
text        "text"          
opened      "opened"        
can read    "no"            
can write   "yes"           

[1] 1e-05


[1] "internal"



[1] 0

[1] 1000




[1] 80

[1] 100 500
# View the help page by typing: 
#   ?options     # learn more about the options command

names(options())   # see just the names of the options without their values
 [1] "add.smooth"                          
 [2] "browserNLdisabled"                   
 [3] "callr.condition_handler_cli_message" 
 [4] "catch.script.errors"                 
 [5] "CBoundsCheck"                        
 [6] "check.bounds"                        
 [7] "citation.bibtex.max"                 
 [8] "continue"                            
 [9] "contrasts"                           
[10] "defaultPackages"                     
[11] "demo.ask"                            
[12] "deparse.cutoff"                      
[13] "device"                              
[14] "device.ask.default"                  
[15] "digits"                              
[16] "echo"                                
[17] "editor"                              
[18] "encoding"                            
[19] "example.ask"                         
[20] "expressions"                         
[21] "help.search.types"                   
[22] "help.try.all.packages"               
[23] "help_type"                           
[24] "htmltools.preserve.raw"              
[25] "HTTPUserAgent"                       
[26] "install.packages.compile.from.source"
[27] "internet.info"                       
[28] "keep.parse.data"                     
[29] "keep.parse.data.pkgs"                
[30] "keep.source"                         
[31] "keep.source.pkgs"                    
[32] "knitr.in.progress"                   
[33] "locatorBell"                         
[34] "mailer"                              
[35] "matprod"                             
[36] "max.contour.segments"                
[37] "max.print"                           
[38] "menu.graphics"                       
[39] "na.action"                           
[40] "nwarnings"                           
[41] "OutDec"                              
[42] "pager"                               
[43] "papersize"                           
[44] "PCRE_limit_recursion"                
[45] "PCRE_study"                          
[46] "PCRE_use_JIT"                        
[47] "pdfviewer"                           
[48] "pkgType"                             
[49] "prompt"                              
[50] "repos"                               
[51] "scipen"                              
[52] "show.coef.Pvalues"                   
[53] "show.error.messages"                 
[54] "show.signif.stars"                   
[55] "showErrorCalls"                      
[56] "showNCalls"                          
[57] "showWarnCalls"                       
[58] "str"                                 
[59] "str.dendrogram.last"                 
[60] "tikzMetricsDictionary"               
[61] "timeout"                             
[62] "try.outFile"                         
[63] "ts.eps"                              
[64] "ts.S.compat"                         
[65] "unzip"                               
[66] "useFancyQuotes"                      
[67] "verbose"                             
[68] "warn"                                
[69] "warning.length"                      
[70] "warnPartialMatchArgs"                
[71] "warnPartialMatchAttr"                
[72] "warnPartialMatchDollar"              
[73] "width"                               
[74] "windowsTimeouts"                     
getOption("digits") # see the value of the digits option (default for new installation is 7)
[1] 7
options(digits=22)  # set the number of max # of digits that R will display for a number

# You can see now that these numbers have roundoff error
[1] 0.2000000000000000111022
[1] 0.1000000000000000055511
# These numbers do not
[1] 0.5
[1] 0.25
[1] 0.125
# set digits option back to the default
options(digits=7)  # set the number of max # of digits that R will display for a number

# You don't see the roundoff error anymore but it is still there ...
[1] 0.2
[1] 0.1
# A somewhat more involved explanation ...

## Floating point numbers and "roundoff errors"
## (A "floating point number" refers to a number that 
##  contains a decimal point. The term "floating point" is
##  a reference to a technique that
#   computers use to process numbers with decimal points in them.
##  We will not cover exactly why they
##  are called "floating point" numbers, but the reason is 
##  related to the fact that multiplying a number by a power of 10
##  simply moves the decimal point.)

# Some fractions that we write do not have an exact representation
# as floating point numbers. For example, many people will write
# 1/3 as 0.333, however there really should be an infinite number of 3's in the floating point
# version. 0.333 is just a rough approximation. 0.3333 is closer to 1/3
# and 0.33333 (five 3's) is even closer. However, you will NEVER get
# an exact representation of 1/3 unless you write an infinite number
# of 3's after the decimal point.
# Therefore 1/3  +  1/3   +  1/3 = 1
# When converted into floating point numbers becomes, approximately 
#  0.333 + 0.333 + 0.333 = 0.999 (which looks wrong!)
# Some fractions can be converted exactly, eg.
#    1/2 is 0.5 exactly
#    1/4 is 0.25 exactly
#    1/5 is 0.2 exactly
#    1/8 is 0.125 exactly
#    1/10 is 0.1 exactly
#    1/16 is 0.0625 exactly 
#    1/25 is 0.04 exactly
# In general if a fraction can be reduced to an equivalent fraction whose
# denominator is a power of 2 , a power of 5 or a power of 10, then the 
# fraction can be represented by an exact terminating decimal.

# Base-10 (aka Decimal) numbers vs Base-2 (aka Binary) numbers

# Languages such as Hebrew, Arabic and English use different alphabets.
# However, some languages such as French, Spanish and English use the same
# alphabet. However, the words they form often mean different things in the 
# different languages. For example the word "pie" in English is a tasty treat
# but "pie" in Spanish means a foot. In order to really understand what the word
# "pie" means you need to know if the word is Spanish or English!!!

# In a similiar way, there are different "numeric languages". 
# "Numeric languages", such as "Roman numerals", use different "alphabets".
# For example, the number that we know as one hundred and twenty three, i.e. 123
# is written in Roman numerals as CXXIII.
# However, some "numeric languages" use the same digits that we recognize but
# in a different way. The internal workings of computers are designed to use
# a different "numeric language" than the numbers that people are used to seeing.
# Internally, computers process information using a "numeric language" known as
# "base-2" or "binary". For example, the number "one hundred and twenty three", i.e. 123, 
# can be written in binary (or base-2) as 01111011. Every base-2 (or binary) number
# is written using just zeros and ones. For example, the binary number
# 1001100100100101 is the equivalent of the decimal (base-10) number
# 39205 (i.e. thirty nine thousand two hundred and five).
# When a computer gets a decimal (base-10) number from a peson, the computer first converts
# the decimal (base-10) number into a binary (base-2) number. The computer then
# performs any processing it needs to do. Finally, the result is translated back
# into the decimal form and displayed to the person.

# Decimal (base-10) and binary (base-2) numbers can represent the exact same integers.

# Any integer that we can write in base-10 (or decimal) can also be written, in a different
# form in base-2 (or binary). For example, the following are the decimal and binary
# equivalents for a few numbers:
#     DECIMAL (base-10)   BINARY (base-2)
#                    0                  0  
#                    1                  1
#                    2                 10
#                    3                 11
#                    4                100
#                    5                101
#                    6                110
#                    7                111
#                    8               1000

# Decimal (base-10) can NOT precisely represent some "real" numbers (i.e. fractions)
# and there will be "roundoff" error.

# In the number system we use every day, some fractions can be perfectly represented
# by "real" numbers (i.e. numbers with decimal points) while others cannot.
#             1/2 is EXACTLY 0.5
#             1/4 is EXACTLY 0.25
#             1/5 is EXACTLY 0.2
#             1/8 is EXACTLY 0.124
#             1/10 is EXACTLY 0.1
# However, the following fractions CANNOT be represented EXACTLY by a number with a decimal point.
# These fractions lead to "repeating digits after the decimal point"
#             1/3 is 0.333...  (the 3's repeat forever)
#             1/6 is 0.1666...          (the 6's repeat forever)
#             1/7 is 0.142857142857...  (the 142857's repeat forever)
#             1/9 is 0.111...           (the 1's repeat forever)

# Binary (base-2) can NOT represent other "real" numbers

# Binary numbers have similar limitations but for DIFFERENT fractions.
# Any fraction that has a power of 2 in the denominator can be represented
# exactly in binary. However, other fractions cannot.
# For example:
#     1/2  is EXACTLY 0.1  (in binary)
#     1/4  is EXACTLY 0.01  (in binary)
#     1/8  is EXACTLY 0.001  (in binary)
#     1/16  is EXACTLY 0.0001  (in binary)
#     3/4  is EXACTLY  0.11 (in binary)
#     3/8 is EXACTLY   0.011 (in binary)
#     (any fraction for which the denominator is a power of 2 can be represented exactly in binary)
# However:
#     1/3  in binary is 0.010101... (the 01's repeat forever)
#     1/5  in binary is 0.00110011... (the 0011's repeat forever)
#     1/6  in binary is 0.0010101...  (the 01's repeat forever)
#     1/10 in binary is 0.000110011... (the 0011's repeat forever)
#     (fractions whose denomiators are not a power of two cannot be represented exactly in binary)