5  5. User defined functions

# Remove all variables. 
# It's a good idea to start with a "clean slate".

rm(list=ls())   # remove all variables
# R has many, many built-in functions. However, if you don't find what you 
# are looking for with R's built-in functions, you can also define
# your own functions!
# The following simple examples demonstrate the concepts.
# The following is called a FUNCTION DEFINITION. ####
# It defines a brand new function called "doubleIt".
# The doubleIt function is defined to take a single argument named nums.
# The doubleIt function returns two times whatever value is passed to nums.
# (see examples below)
#          doubleIt <- function(nums) {    
#             return(2 * nums)
#          }

5.1 Type function definitions in the SCRIPT window

# Since function definitions tend to be rather long and span multiple lines,
# it's not very convenient to type them in the Console window.
# Rather type them in RStudio's script window and then run the code
# To run the code, put your cursor on the first 
# line of the function definition in RStudio's "script window"
# (or highlight the complete function definition) and then
# press ctrl-ENTER (windows) or cmd-ENTER (Mac). After you run the 
# code, you will see the name of the function
# appear in RStudios "Environment" window. You can also see the name of the 
# function in the output of the ls() command.
# To get R to recognize that this new function exists, 
# you MUST run the function definition - i.e. put your cursor on the first 
# line of the function definition (or highlight the complete function definition)
# in the script window and then press ctrl-ENTER (windows) or cmd-ENTER (Mac).
# It's very important to realize that it's not enough to just type the code
# in the script window. Don't forget to run the code for the function definition 
# (many newbies forget this part).
# When you run the code for the function definition, all that appears to happen is 
# that you will see the code displayed in the console window. Nothing else
# appears to have happened. For example:
#        > doubleIt <- function(nums) {    
#        +   return(2 * nums)
#        + }
# The "+" signs at the beginning of the line are NOT part of the code. 
# They simply mean that your function definition spans multiple lines of code. 

5.2 Run the definition before using the function

# Once you've run the code for the function definition (see above)
# you can then use the new function with any values that you wish. For example:
#         > doubleIt(7)
#         [1] 14
#         > doubleIt( c(10,20,30) )
#         [1] 20 40 60
#         > doubleIt( c( 1:3 , rep(5,6) ) )
#         [1]  2  4  6 10 10 10 10 10 10

# define a new function  
# i.e. put your cursor on the first line and 
#      press ctrl-ENTER (win) or cmd-ENTER (mac)

doubleIt <- function(nums) {    
  return(2 * nums)

# We can now use the doubleIt function with many different values similar
# to the way you can use R's built-in functions.
# Before running the following lines of code you must make sure that you've
# run the function definition above.

doubleIt(3)             # 6
[1] 6
doubleIt(c(10,20,30))   # 20 40 60
[1] 20 40 60
doubleIt( nums = c(100,500))  # you can specify the name of the argument in the function call
[1]  200 1000
doubleIt(c(100,500)) # same thing
[1]  200 1000
# In general you can now work with the user-defined-functions
# the same way you would work with built in functions.

aBigNumber = doubleIt(1000) + 210
[1] 2210
# As with all functions, you must figure out the value of the arguments
# before the function is actually called.

doubleIt( seq(1,3) )
[1] 2 4 6
# original:        doubleIt( seq(1,3) )
# seq:             doubleIt( c(1,2,3) )
# doubleIt:        2 4 6

doubleIt( 1 + seq(1,3) )
[1] 4 6 8
# original:        doubleIt( 1 + seq(1,3) )
# seq:             doubleIt( 1 + c(1,2,3) )
# addition:        doubleIt( c(2,3,4) )
# doubleIt:        4 6 8

doubleIt( c( 1:3 , rep(5,6) ) )
[1]  2  4  6 10 10 10 10 10 10
# original:              doubleIt( c(    1:3    ,    rep(5,6)    ) )
# expand 1:3:            doubleIt( c( c(1,2,3) , rep(5,6) )
# rep function:          doubleIt( c( c(1,2,3) , c(5,5,5,5,5,5) ) )
# outermost c function:  doubleIt( c(1,2,3,5,5,5,5,5,5) ) 
# doubleIt:              2  4  6 10 10 10 10 10 10

5.3 “Local” variables

# The code inside a function definition may consist of several lines 
# You may use "local variables" in a function definition.

# Below we defined the function, trippleIt, that tripples the values
# in the argument, nums.
# We wrote trippleIt using a slightly different approach than we used
# for doubleIt. Instead of simply multiplying by 3, we 
# used a variable named total to store the 
# value that will be returned. Every line of the function
# adds another multiple of the values in nums to the total.
# The last line of the function returns the total.
# This seems unnecessarily complex. It is. We could have very easily written
# trippleIt the same way that we wrote doubleIt, i.e. by simply 
# multiplying by 3. That would work just fine.
# We used this alternative approach simply to demonstrate some concepts:
# (a) a function definition can contain multiple lines of code
# (b) You may define "local variables" inside a function definition.
#     A "local variable" is a variable that is created inside a 
#     function definition to help perform the calculations for 
#     the function. We'll discuss more about local variables later below.

# Define the function
trippleIt <- function(nums) {    
  return(3 * nums)

# call the function
[1] 15 18 21
# A differnt version of trippleIt that returns the same values as the
# original version above. The purpose of writing the following version of 
# trippleIt is simply to demonstrate that a function can have multiple lines
# of code.
# This will also be helpful to demonstrate R's "debugger" (which we will
# see soon)

trippleIt = function( nums ){
  total = nums
  total = total + nums
  total = total + nums
  return (total)

trippleIt(3)            # 9
[1] 9
trippleIt(c(10,20,30))  # 30  60  90
[1] 30 60 90
# to use the debugger for a function, you need to call the debugonce function
# to tell the debugger to debug the specified function the next time it is called.

[1] 30 60 90
# You can use the trippleIt and doubleIt functions together. 

[1] 18
2 ^ doubleIt(c(1, 1.5, 2))
[1]  4  8 16
trippleIt( 2 ^ doubleIt(c(1, 1.5, 2)) )
[1] 12 24 48
# Note that variables that are created inside the definition of 
# a user-defined-function are only "known" inside of that function
# definition. When the trippleIt function above finishes executing, the variable 
# total does NOT appear in the variables in the environment.
# For example ls() will not show the total variable.
# A variable that can only be used inside of a particular function definition ====
# is known as a "local variable" for that function. We say that the           ====
# variable has "local scope".                                                 ====
# We will discuss much more about local variables and 
# the "scope" of a variable a little later (below).

ls()   # show all variables - note that total isn't in the list.
[1] "aBigNumber" "doubleIt"   "trippleIt" 
# We will return to discuss these issues more in depth a little later.

5.4 Last value of the function is returned

# If you don't write the word "return" then
# the final value of the function is returned as the value of the function. ####

# We could have written the definition of trippleIt without the return.
# By default, if there is no return statement then
# the last value of the function is what is returned.
# The following is an equivalent definition of the trippleIt function.
# Even though we left out the "return" the last value is still returned
# as the value of the function.

trippleIt = function( nums ){
  total = nums
  total = total + nums
  total = total + nums
  total                    # we took out the word return, it still works

# This still works

trippleIt(3)            # 9
[1] 9
trippleIt(c(10,20,30))  # 20  40  60
[1] 30 60 90

5.5 Don’t return an assignment statement

# BE CAREFUL - don't return the value of an assignment statement ####
# If we take out the last line of the trippleIt function entirely
# (e.g. by commenting it out) then the last command of the function
# becomes an assignment statement. 
# However, remember that when you run an assignment statement no value 
# is actually displayed to the screen. For example, if you run 
#     > x = 5
#     > 
# Nothing is displayed as the result of the command. In a similar way, if you
# final command of the function is an assignment statement, nothing
# will be displayed when you run the function.

trippleIt_returningAnAssignment = function( nums ){
  total = nums
  total = total + nums
  total = total + nums
  # total     # if we remove this entire line, the function does not work the same way

# Now since the last command to be executed in trippleIt is an assignment 
# statement, the following lines do NOT display any values.

trippleIt_returningAnAssignment (3)            # nothing is displayed
trippleIt_returningAnAssignment (c(10,20,30))  # nothing is displayed

# As a general rule, you should return the value of an assignment statement
# or have an assignment statement as the last value of a function
# whose job it is to return a value.

5.6 “invisible” return values

# Note about "invisible" return values ####

# What is very strange is that even though in it's current form, the 
# trippleIt function does NOT display anything when you call it, if you 
# assign the result of the function to a variable, the variable WILL 
# contain the value!!! This may be very surprising.

trippleIt_returningAnAssignment (3)      # nothing is displayed

x = trippleIt_returningAnAssignment (3)
x   # 9
[1] 9
# The "value" of an assignment statement is an "invisible" value. ####
# ("invisible" is an little known R concept that many people don't understand).
# Invisible values can be captured to a variable, but by default they are not displayed. ####
# This is a somewhat advanced topic so we will not discuss it more now.
# However, you should avoid ending a function with an assignment
# statement if the purpose of the function is to return a value 
# that needs to be displayed.

5.7 don’t pass too many arguments

# Be careful - don't pass too many arguments  ####
# The following will generate an error since you are trying to pass
# three different  values to trippleIt but trippleIt is only
# defined to take a single argument, nums.

trippleIt( 100, 200, 300 )  # ERROR - trippleIt only allows for one argument, nums
Error in trippleIt(100, 200, 300): unused arguments (200, 300)
# This fixes the problem since c(100,200,300) is a single vector.
# The vector c(100,200,300) is passed to nums.

trippleIt( c( 100, 200, 300) )  # 200 400 600
[1] 300 600 900

5.8 Function name without parentheses() shows definition code

# A function's name without any parentheses, shows the definition of the function. ####

doubleIt   # show the definition of doubleIt
function(nums) {    
  return(2 * nums)
<bytecode: 0x00000212d9c96650>

5.9 — Practice —

# QUESTION - part (a)   ####
# A professor gives 3 tests.
# The first test is worth 25% of the grade,
# the 2nd test is worth 30% of the grade and the third test is worth 45% of the grade.
# A student in the class got the following test grades are 80, 90 and 100.
# Use the variables, weights and grades (see the exmaple shown below)
# to calculate the student's overall "weighted average".
# EXAMPLE (your code should work even if weights and tests contain other values)
#   > weights = c(0.25, 0.3, 0.45)
#   > tests = c(80,90,100)
#   [1] 92

sum(weights * tests)   # ANSWER
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'tests' not found
# QUESTION - part (b)   ####
# Write a function named, weightedAvg, that takes
# two arguments, weights and tests. The function
# should work as shown below.
#     # Now you can use the function
#     > weightedAvg( c(0.25, 0.3, 0.45) , c(80,90,100) )   # result should be 92
#     [1] 92
#     > weightedAvg( c(0.25, 0.3, 0.45) , c(70,85,50) )   # result should be 65.5
#     [1] 65.5
# i. Write the function with the return statement
# ii. Write the function without the return statement
#     (should produce the same results)

# step 1 - define the function

weightedAvg = function (grades, weights){          # ANSWER
  return( sum(grades * weights) )     # ANSWER

# step 2 - you must RUN the function definition.

# As with all code that you write in the script window, to run it
# simply, put your cursor on the first line of the function definition and
# press ctrl-ENTER (win) or cmd-ENTER (mac).
# After you run the function definition you should see the 
# name of the function appear in the Environment tab (by default
# it's found in the upper right hand corner of the RStudio window)

# step 3 - use the new function to perform some calculations

# Call the function by just supplying the values for 
# the tests and the weights. You do not have to type the argument names
# as long as you supply the values in the proper order.
weightedAvg( c(80,90,100), c(0.25, 0.3, 0.45))     # ANSWER
[1] 92
# Just as with the built in functions you may also supply the 
# argument names when you call the function. This makes the code
# more clear but it is NOT necessary as long as you supply
# the values in the correct order. 
weightedAvg( grades=c(80,90,100), weights=c(0.25, 0.3, 0.45))     # ANSWER
[1] 92
# You can also pass the values of the arguments as variables.
# Note that the variable names do NOT have to be the same as the
# argument names. The variable names simply represent the values that 
# were assigned to them. For example:
t = c(80,90,100)         # these are the test grades      
w = c(0.25, 0.3, 0.45)   # these are the weights

weightedAvg(t, w)                    # this works
[1] 92
weightedAvg(grades=t, weights=w)     # this also works
[1] 92
# Just as with built-in functions, if you type the names of the arguments, 
# you can write the arguments in a different order.

weightedAvg(weights=w, grades=t)     # this also works
[1] 92
# ANSWER - Another way - without the return function     

# The answer above used the return() function to "return" the final value
# from the function. We'll see later that sometimes it is necessary to 
# use the return() function. However, with simple functions (as these are)
# by default the R function will return whatever value is the last value
# to be executed inside of the function.

weightedAvg = function (grades, weights){     # ANSWER
  # In this version there is no "return" function call
  # Since the following is the last line this is automatically returned.
  sum(grades * weights)      # same as      return(sum(grades * weights))

# This still works
weightedAvg( c(80,90,100), c(0.25, 0.3, 0.45))
[1] 92

5.10 Default argument values

# Default argument values.    ####

# If the function definition specifies a value for an argument then that
# value will be used as the default argument if the call to the function
# doesn't specify that argument. 

# For example, the following function returns the volume of a cylinder
# (e.g. a soda can) that has a specific height and a specific radius.
# The "defualt value" for the height is 1 and the default value of the
# radius is specified as 0.5 (i.e. a diameter of 1).

volumeOfCylinder = function( radius=0.5, height=1){
  return( pi * radius^2 * height )

volume2(1,5)      # volume of a cylinder with radius = 1 and height = 5
Error in volume2(1, 5): could not find function "volume2"
volumeOfCylinder(1,5)      # volume of a cylinder with radius = 1 and height = 5
[1] 15.70796
volumeOfCylinder(2)        # volume of a cylinder with radius = 2 and height = 1
[1] 12.56637
volumeOfCylinder()         # volume of a cylinder with radius = 0.5 and height = 1
[1] 0.7853982
volumeOfCylinder(0.5, 1)   # same thing
[1] 0.7853982
volumeOfCylinder(radius=0.5, height=1)   # same thing
[1] 0.7853982
volumeOfCylinder( height = 6)   # radius is 0.5  height is 6
[1] 4.712389
# Note that you can refer to the other arguemnts when defining the 
# default values. This is shown in the following QUESTION/ANSWER.

5.11 — Practice —

# QUESTION - part (c)   ####
# Create the weightedAvg function described in the previous question
# so that if a value for weights is not supplied in the function call
# then equal weight should be given to each grade.
# Call the function weightedAvg_newVersion so that it doesn't 
# replace the original weightedAvg function

# Notice the default value of weights argument that appears on the first line.
# It is set so that the weight is evenly distributed among the grades.

weightedAvg_newVersion = function (grades, weights=1/length(grades)){     # ANSWER
  return( sum(grades * weights) )     # ANSWER
}     # ANSWER

# Using the new function - with the default weights
weightedAvg_newVersion(c(80,90,100))     # ANSWER
[1] 90
# Using the new function by specifying our own weights
weightedAvg_newVersion(c(80,90,100), c(0.25, 0.25, 0.5))     # ANSWER
[1] 92.5
weightedAvg_newVersion(c(80,90,100), 1/3)     # ANSWER
[1] 90
# The original function required that you specify all the arguments
# The following call to the original function will generate the following errror:
#      Error in weightedAvg(c(80, 90, 100)) : 
#        argument "weights" is missing, with no default

weightedAvg(c(80,90,100))   # ERROR - missing argument
Error in weightedAvg(c(80, 90, 100)): argument "weights" is missing, with no default

5.12 Calculations in middle of a function definition are NOT displayed

# Code in a function definition is DIFFERENT than code that is run 
# directly in the console window:
# If you type a simple calculation IN THE CONSOLE the result is DISPLAYED.
# For example: 
#      > 10 + rep(1,3)
#      [1] 11 11 11
# If you type a simple calculation IN A FUNCTION DEFINITION the result is IGNORED. ####
# See the examples below.

# A calculation typed in the console that would display a value has 
# absolutely no effect on the code of a function.

f = function( stuff ){
  3*10        # this line is ignored (it is not displayed)
  5+7         # this line is ignored (it is not displayed)
  stuff + 5   # this line is ignored (it is not displayed)
  2           # the function always returns 2

f(10)               # 2
[1] 2
f(c(100,200,300))   # 2
[1] 2
f(6547654.4356543)  # 2
[1] 2
# You can save the value of the calculation in a variable and then
# continue to use the value by referring to the variable.
# e.g. see the following code (including the comments).

calculateBill = function( charge, tip ){
  tax = 0.0875 * charge        # you can save this calculation in a variable
  return (charge + tax + tip)  # now you can use the tax variable in this line

calculateBill(100, 10)
[1] 118.75

5.13 — Practice —

# Write a function named, gpa, to calculate a college student's GPA.
# Feel free to use "local" variables to make your function easier to read.
#   credits - a vector that contains the number of credits for each course
#   grades - a vector that contains the grades for each course
#            (0 for F, 1 for D, 2 for C, 3 for B, 4 for A)
# e.g.  
# > getGpa(credits=c(4,3,3), grades=c(2,3,4)) # i.e. (4*2 + 3*3 + 3*4) / (4+3+3)
# [1] 2.9       
# *****************************************************************
# *****************************************************************
# A GPA is a weighted average.
# Letter grades are treated as numbers, i.e. A is 4, B is 3, C is 2, D is 1, F is 0
# To calculate a GPA you determine what percent of your overall 
# college average is attributed to a specific class, then you multiply
# the grade for that class by that number, i.e. 
#     (credits_for_a_class / total_credits_taken) * grade_for_the_class
# Finally, you add up the results for all of the classes.
# EXAMPLE: physics 4 credits, grade is B
#          data analytics 3 credits, grade is A
#          gym 0.5 credits, grade is B
# total creidts is  4 + 3 + 0.5
# percent of total that is attributed to physics is 4 / 7.5
# Portion of GPA attributed to physics is (4/7.5) * 3   # remember B is 3
# Do this for all classes to get that the GPA is 3.4 calculated as follows
#    (4/7.5)*3 + (3/7.5)*4 + (0.5/7.5)*3   which is   3.4

gpa = function(credits, grades){
  totalCredits = sum(credits)
  proportionOfGpaForClass = credits / totalCredits
  weightedGrades = proportionOfGpaForClass * grades
  theGpa = sum(weightedGrades)
  return ( theGpa  )


# The 1st call to gpa shown below specifies the argument names, credits=... and grades=...
# The 2nd call to gpa shown below shows how to call the function without specifying 
# the argument names. If the values of the arguments are specified in the same
# order as they are defined in the function you don't have to specify the 
# argument names, but you may. Therefore the following two lines of code
# both work and return the same result.

# One way to call the function (with the argument names)
gpa( credits=c(4,3,0.5)   ,   grades=c(3,4,3))    # 3.4 (if you wrote the code correctly)
[1] 3.4
# Another way to call the function (without the arugment names)
gpa( c(4,3,0.5)   ,   c(3,4,3))    # 3.4 (if you wrote the code correctly)
[1] 3.4

Question - use the gpa function to calculate Joe’s GPA

# QUESTION - use the gpa function that you defined above to 
# calculate Joe's GPA. Joe took 4 classes. The credits and grades were as follows
#   4 credit class - got a C
#   3 credit class - got an A
#   3 credit class - got a B
#   2 credit Class - got a A
gpa( credits = c(4,3,3,2), grades = c(2, 4, 3, 4))
[1] 3.083333

Question - use weightedAvg function to help implement a new gpa2 function

# QUESTION - part (a)
# Rewrite the definition of the gpa function, call it gpa2.
# This time, use the weightedAvg function inside
# your definition of the gpa function.

gpa2 <- function (credits, grades) {                               # **ANSWER**
  # **ANSWER**
  totalCredits = sum(credits)                                      # **ANSWER**
  weights = credits / totalCredits                                 # **ANSWER**
  # **ANSWER**
  # Instead of writing                                             # **ANSWER**
  #                                                                # **ANSWER**
  #   sum(weights * grades)                                        # **ANSWER**
  #                                                                # **ANSWER**
  # as we did in the gpa function above, we can make use of the    # **ANSWER**
  # weightedAvg function that we defined earlier.                  # **ANSWER**
  #                                                                # **ANSWER**
  # Remember that we defined the weightedAvg function above as:    # **ANSWER**
  #                                                                # **ANSWER**
  #   weightedAvg = function(weights, tests) {                     # **ANSWER**
  #      sum ( weights * tests )                                   # **ANSWER**
  #   }                                                            # **ANSWER**
  #                                                                # **ANSWER**
  # NOTE that the weightedAvg function definition uses the         # **ANSWER**
  # argument names weights and tests                               # **ANSWER**
  # In this function we want the weightedAvg of weights and grades. # **ANSWER**
  # The following function call uses the weightedAvg function.     # **ANSWER**
  # The function all passes the weights variable that is local     # **ANSWER**
  # to the gpa2 function to the weights variable that              # **ANSWER**
  # is local to the weightedAvg function. However, the grades      # **ANSWER**
  #  variable in this function is being passed to the              # **ANSWER**
  # "tests" variable in the weightedAvg function.                  # **ANSWER**
  # **ANSWER**
  weightedAvg( weights , grades )                                  # **ANSWER**
}                                                                  # **ANSWER**

Question - use the new gpa2 function to calculate Joe’s GPA

# QUESTION - part (b)
# Use the new gpa2 function to calculate Joe's GPA.
# Joe took 4 classes. The credits and grades were as follows:
#   4 credit class - got a C
#   3 credit class - got an A
#   3 credit class - got a B
#   2 credit Class - got a A
gpa2( credits = c(4,3,3,2), grades = c(2, 4, 3, 4))
[1] 3.083333

# If you wrote the code correctly you should get the following results.

# The following shows how to call the function with specifying the names
# of the arguments. The gpa and gpa2 functions should return the same results.
gpa (credits=c(4,3,3,2) ,  grades=c(2,4,3,4) )     # 3.08333
[1] 3.083333
gpa2 (credits=c(4,3,3,2) ,  grades=c(2,4,3,4) )    # 3.08333
[1] 3.083333
# The following shows how to call the function WITHOUT specifying the names
# of the arguments. The gpa and gpa2 functions should return the same results.
gpa ( c(4,3,3,2) ,  c(2,4,3,4) )     # 3.08333
[1] 3.083333
gpa2 ( c(4,3,3,2) ,  c(2,4,3,4) )    # 3.08333
[1] 3.083333